Don't Show Again Yes, I would!

Todos os 28 personagens de quadrinhos que Clancy Brown interpretou em filmes e programas de TV de super-heróis

Clancy Brown Includes 28-character interpretation of both DC and amazing. With a deep voice, Clancy Brown's intimidating presence makes him a natural choice for many of the fathers of Quadrinhos, from iconic villains to complex heroes. With a career that has spanned numerous superhero franchises, Brown brings life to many characters in today's animated series and films.

Clancy Brown appears in the first episode of Hey Benguem. This Marco 28 degree quad personals Brown was at that moment. Brown has starred in films and television series, playing some of the two most iconic superhero characters of all time.

29 Salvatore Maroni

Hey Benguem

Clancy Brown takes on the role of Salvatore Marone in the film Hey BenguemOne of Gotham's most famous crime chefs. Maroni was brought in by Carmine Falcone and had been imprisoned before Or Batman But he was later visited by Geese Cobb during Hey Benguem Episode 1. Not much, Maroni plays a major role in Gotham City's underworldBrown's performance is serious about the character, portraying him as menacing and cunning.

28 Colonel Ray Schoonover

Destroyer Yu Justicero

Colonel Ray Schoonover reckless and Or justiciero He came as a simple soldier and mentor to Frank Castle. However, it was later revealed that Schoonover was highly corrupt – involved in drug trafficking and other illegal activities. On behalf of Schoonover by Clancy Brown picks up or The duality of the war hero who turned evil. His commanding presence and delivery make him a captivating antagonist, a tragic embodiment of betrayal in Frank Castle's life.

27 General Wade Ayling

Or flash

General Wade Ayling Or flash He is a hard-line military officer who takes strict measures for the sake of national security. As the commander of the US Army's Transhuman Program, Eiling comes into conflict with Flash and his team on several occasions. Brown's interpretation of Ealing was that Brown's interpretation of Ealing was Intense, low conviction, and morally ambiguous. His deep voice adds an authoritative touch to the character, making him a formidable antagonist throughout the show.

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26 Sorto

Thor: Ragnarok E…?

Clancy Brown tricks the devil into sneaking up on him Thor: Ragnarok Lately they reissued the paper Which…?. Student of Surtur, destined to bring about Ragnarok and destroy Asgard A majestic and sinister presence. Brown's thundering voice brings this horrific character to life, giving Surtur the seriousness and sense of impending destruction required for such a legendary figure.

25 The view

Green Lantern

There is no failure in 2011 Green LanternClancy Brown's dublou Parallax, the main antagonist of the film. Parallax feeds into the media, or turns into two other terrifying stories in the Green Lantern universe. Added Brown's booming, menacing voice An extra layer of horror for the characterIt made Parallax look really scary. In the film titled Brown Dey Parallax, there is a distinct sense of malevolence.

24 Lex Lotor

The world of DC animation and much more

Perhaps Clancy Brown's most famous role is as Quadrinhos Seja, Lex Luthor, or Superman's arch-rival, who has been dubbed into several DC animated series, starting with Superman: The Animated Series And continue with many other projects. Oh, Lothar de Brownie Calculating, ruthless and charismaticA master manipulator driven by ego and power. His interpretation of Luther is widely considered one of the best interpretations of the character, combining intelligence, skill, and subtle charm.

Lex Luthor Presents by Clancy Brown


Movie/TV series


Superman: The Animated Series


Justice League


Justice League Unlimited


Or Batman


Superman/Batman: Public Enemies


LEGO Batman: The Movie – DC Super Heroes Unite

23 B Grande

The Incredible Hulk: The Animated Series

Sasquatch, also known as Dr. Walter Langkowski, is a Canadian superhero who can transform into a giant, hairy, Hulk-like creature. Not an exciting episode The Incredible Hulk: The Animated SeriesClancy Brown nicknamed his character Struggle to control their transformations. Brown's performance reflects Sasquatch's inner conflict, portraying his scientific intelligence and the rage that accompanies his brutal arrogance.

22 Hulk Vermelho

Ultimate Spider-Man, Hulk, Smash Agents and the Avengers meet

Todos os 28 personagens de quadrinhos que Clancy Brown interpretou em filmes e programas de TV de super-heróis

M Homem-Aranha Supremo, Hulk and Agents of Smashand Montague dos VengadoresClancy Brown Duplo or General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, also known as Red Hulk. Like Red Hulk's performance, or Brown's performance Raiva has been captured by the ferocity of a man who has completely turned to the crime he commits. Brown's voice adds depth to the character, portraying him as a strong, relentless force of nature.

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21 Frozen Lord

Or Batman (2004-2007)

Clancy Brown Duplo or Mr. Or Batman Animated series, a tragic story motivated by the desire to save his wife. Brown's version of Freeze was cold and calculated, but so was he Embuiu or personality with hidden sadnessHe became more than just a stubborn opponent. His visceral, deliberate delivery highlighted Freeze's emotionally detached and frozen state, while simultaneously conveying the desperation that drives his actions.

20 Panimento

Or Batman (2004-2007)

Like Payne M Or Batman animated series, Brown is a strong and authoritative presence. Created by his brute strength and tactical intelligence, Bane was known for the seriousness coupled with his imposing physical nature. Brown delivers the role of Bane com's falas Scary confidence Which highlighted the duo's likable personality as a mentor and physical force.

19 Lord Sinestro

Wolverine and the X-Men

M Wolverine and the X-MenClancy Brown is nicknamed the famous Philo Dos X-Men, Senhor Sinestro. As a geneticist obsessed with the evolution and manipulation of mutant genes, Sinestro is one of the most intelligent and malicious characters in the X-Men universe. In Brown's thunderous voice Adding an unfortunate characteristic to a personHe made Sinistro seem cultured and entertaining, while maintaining his very poignant personality X-Men: The Animated Series.

18 unicorn

The amazing Homem Aranha

The Rhino, one of Homem-Aranha's classic characters, was given his nickname by Clancy Brown em O Spectacular Homem-Aranha. Brown's interpretation of the character depends on The brutal and simple nature of the rhinoceros. Brown emphasized the tragic element of Rhino, portraying him as a man transformed against his will, imprisoned in a life of crime because of his circumstances and appearance.

17 George Stacy

The amazing Homem Aranha

Captain George Stacy, who was given the name Clancy Brown The amazing Homem AranhaHe is Gwen Stacy's father and a highly respected member of the NYPD. In this role, Brown traces a sense of authority and warmth to the character, and portrays him as Powerful protector of the city. Brown's nuanced performance underscores Stacy's integrity and love for her family, while highlighting her caring actions as Homem-Aranha's keeper.

16 The boy, also known as Raymond Bloch

The amazing Homem Aranha

M The amazing Homem AranhaClancy Brown also Duplo Oaks, two enforcers and a minor crime in the gallery of two bandits in Homem-Aranha. As Boi, Brown projects a silent character, portraying o as the muscle of two enforcers. With little need for words. His personality gave him an aggressive street attitude, which contrasted with the more dynamic and soulful personality of Homem-Aranha.

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15 Foreman

Home of Iron and Capitao America: League of Heroes, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Avengers Assemble

Taskmaster, known for his ability to imitate any fighting style, has been voiced by Clancy Brown in several animated series. On behalf of Brown he emphasized Taskmaster's arrogance and mercenary attitude, making him a formidable and arrogant opponent. Brown added a special touch to the character, Combining sharp intelligence with a sense of cruelty. Whether you're facing Homem-Aranha or Vingadores, or Brown's Capataz exalava, it has a confident look, making it one of the highlights of each series.

14 By Degaton

Batman: Oh, brave and brave

Clancy Brown is nicknamed Per Degaton, a time-traveling villa Batman: The Brave and the User. Degaton is obsessed with creating a dystopian future under his leadership. Brown's acting was cold and calculated, with Tom Ho It reflects Degaton's obsession with power and control of history. His attitude makes Degaton feel like a true lover, highlighting his arrogance and sense of superiority as a time-travelling conqueror.

13 Na grams

Batman: Oh, brave and brave

M Batman: The Brave and the UserClancy Brown also calls Rohtool, the evil counterpart to Batman from an alternate universe. Rohtool was a reflection of Batman's abilities and intellect, as well as a sinister touch. Brown's performance has a dark and menacing nature to him, showing how he is himself Skills and intelligence used for or with Batman can be distorted or evil..

12 Odin

The Vingadores: You are the most powerful heroes of Terra

Brown Doblo Odin, or Father of All and Ruler of Asgard, m The Vingadores: You are the most powerful heroes of Terra. Like Auden, Brown's voice carries the weight of millennia, capturing knowledge, authority and, at times, intensity of character. Brown plays with a real sense of leadership, portraying Auden as a mother figure A strong, more compassionate leader who must make tough decisions Bim poetry of Asgard and the universe.

11 King Faraday

Justice Young

M Justice YoungClancy Brown, nicknamed King Faraday, is a government agent responsible for supervising various secret operations. Faraday is known for his tough, reasonable stance and dedication to national security, and often makes difficult ethical decisions. Brown's representation emphasized these characteristics, Giving Faraday an imposing presence and a sense of moral ambiguity.

10 General Zartok

Green Lantern: The Animated Series

Clancy Brown is nicknamed General Zatok, the Lantern Warrior Vermilho Green Lantern: The Animated Series. Zartok was a fearful and stubborn fighter, completely committed to the Red Lantern cause. Voiced by Brown Deo Zartok A majestic and aggressive viewSeizing the power fueled by the Raava and hatred of the Green Lantern Corps characters.

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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