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Como jogar viscoso em impasse

Sticky is the hero daqueles em The Dilemma Which you hate to see in your ranked games. With an ally, keep surrounding or killing your teammates using strange skills. Your opponent puts as many other players as possible until the game wins. The truth is that Viscous is a difficult champion to learn, but when you can do it, you will have the stamina or play well for your time.

The first step to learning To all of you the hero is in a dead endOf course, start by understanding the build. Viscous can be played in many different ways, but if you want to become a dominant force on your own, here is the build we recommend.

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Sticky Deadlock Overview and Skill Details

Como jogar viscoso em impasse



Beam scale with spiritual power

Highly skilled at walking

Can be cut from a long distance

Know the map needed to play Goo Ball

Hard to kill at the end of the game.

Careless punches can put allies in dangerous positions.

He can save himself and his allies.

It's easy to kill when skills are on standby.

Excellent control and AOE assists.

Sticky is not Easiest Heroes to Master The DilemmaOn the contrary, executing this hero perfectly requires deep knowledge of the map and knowing how to use open spaces and edges. But for an experienced player, Viscous is one of the most annoying heroes to play in the endgame. Oh hero There is no shortage of crowd control skills.Constantly disturbing the environment and causing massive damage to equipment. He can also save his allies when things go wrong.

Here's a quick breakdown of his skills:

It doesn't give me skills.


to update


Play with a rubber ball that deals damage and leaves small amounts of rubber behind that apply slow motion to untargeted enemies.

  • damage: 100 (Spirit Scale Rate x1.5)
  • Slow motion: 35%
  • Duration of the kiss: 10 seconds
  • Rayo: 5 meters
  • cold: 21 years
  • 2 father: +70 damage and +1m radius

or cube

Wrap it in a cube of restorative gum that eliminates impurities, protects against damage, and increases health regeneration. Otherwise, you won't be able to do anything again while it's in the bucket. It can be used as a sozinho. Press the escape button to escape more easily.

  • Health Renewal: +40
  • period: 4s
  • Representation range: 30 m
  • cold: 48 years old
  • 1 Access point: Increases movement speed and restores stamina.

Boca Soco

Spawn a point in the world that requires units in the area to fly. Your enemies will take damage, your forward distance will be reduced for a brief moment, and your movements will be slower. This is considered a light body-to-body attack.

  • Slow motion: 20%
  • Slow duration: 4s
  • Representation range: 40 m
  • Rayo: 4 m
  • Requests: 1
  • Recharge Shipping: 1.5 seconds
  • cold: 30 years
  • 2 father: +35 damage and +20% slow movement

rubber ball

Transforms into a large sticky ball that deals damage and stuns enemies on impact. The ball grants high bullet and spirit resistance, hits walls and can double jump.

  • Damage: 140 (x1.3 soul scaling rate)
  • Torque duration: 1 second
  • Spiritual resistance: 70%
  • Bullet resistance: 60%
  • period: 10 seconds
  • cold: 95 years
  • 5 father: You can cast skills and use items while rolling.
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Sticky Building Guide (Skill Ranking and Item Progression) is at a standstill

Viscous can be a very annoying hero to face at any time. The DilemmaBetween sending an enemy hero flying like Puddle Punch or rolling around and blocking everyone like Goo Ball, it can be very difficult to jump in as a hero when he's out of cooldown with all his abilities. He can also play as a support, focusing on maxing out the cube and playing rearguard, protecting his allies.

For the build, we will be building items around Puddle Punch to take advantage of the fact that it increases as the hero's damage increases with his body. Later, we will go into the transition to Spiritual Tools to Use Your Higher Spiritual Level Damage capabilities.

viscous power arrangement

Viscous is exceptionally good at attacking enemy champions from a distance with his abilities. When you check the path, you will need to unlock Splatter first. Now, unlock Puddle Punch when it is available. After that, unlock the cube and press Ultimate when it is ready.

When I invest two and six points, the first point should always go to Splatter. The resulting drop in cooldown is too much to ignore. You may want to invest your next AP into Puddle Punch for an extra charge. Combined with the extra charge item, you'll be able to fire it three times in a row.

Next, upgrade Splatter to max level and confront him with Puddle Punch. Next, place an access point on the Goo Ball and another on The Cube. Upgrade the Goo Ball to max level and clear or the rest of your points on THE Cube.

If you're playing as a support, you'll want to maximize The Cube instead of Splatter.

Evolution of viscous elements

The build we're looking at is based on increasing the damage of the body by the sticky body from the start. Puddle Punch's damage increases according to the damage it deals to one body after another. I'm disso, you also have Able to cure your hero Your team has Melee Lifesteal. However, in the later parts of the game, we will move on to increasing your Spiritual Power to get more spot damage.

This is the progress on this item:

Starting game:

  • high speed mag
  • Spiritual Strike
  • Life cycle body by body
  • surcharge
  • Spirit of Doradoro
  • extra power
  • Internal explosion
  • extra spirit
  • Running shoes
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Between Splatter and Puddle Punch, Viscous has two excellent abilities that he can use to hit opponents right off the bat. But your priority is to deal with the first three items in your first big peak of power. The three items you want first are High-Velocity Mag, Spirit Strike, and Melee Lifesteal.

Next, switch to Extra Charge to add a second charge to your Puddle Punch and continue using Permanent Spirit and Extra Stamina to add some sustainability. Mystic Burst and Extra Spirit come right in to add some extra damage to your hero in the early game. Finally, use Sprint Boots to gain some extra movement speed to help you catch up to your enemy heroes.

Mio does game:

  • Excellent recharge time
  • Life stroke
  • Milhorada Explosion
  • Milhorado spirit
  • Taher logo
  • In the comfort of your own home
  • soul destroying bullet
  • Mysterious shot
  • Spiritual Life Robo
  • Reducer of effects (situational)
  • Bullet Shield/Spiritual Shield (Situational)

O Primorado Cooldown is a non-tradeable item in Viscous, as it relies heavily on your abilities. This is the first item you want to work on after checking all the items on the path. Follow Lifestrike to continue to add more damage to the body and health. Explosion Aprimorada and Esírito Primorado add some extra Spiritual Power to your hero for more spot damage.

Right away, you can get some orange items. Pristine Emblem and Point Blank are excellent choices for the hero. You can also use Soul Shredder Bullets at any time with high-powered soul items. Mystic Shot is the last orange item you want to get from your hero.

If your enemy is targeting you, consider hitting Bullet Shield or Spirit Shield, depending on which type of damage they do the most. Debuff Reducer works very well before using their abilities.

Late game:

  • Spirit without borders
  • Super long recharge time
  • Closed access
  • inner echo
  • Echo part
  • Fast shipping
  • slow inward
  • longer
  • higher power
  • Sanjisuga
  • dummy attack (situational)
  • Colosso (adverbial)
  • Denoiser (circumstantial)
  • Blessed Bullet Shield/Beautiful Soul Shield (Situational)

As you approach the endgame, a lot of the damage will start to drop. Naturally, your opponent's champions will have more resistance, which will reduce the effectiveness of Puddle Punch. At this point, you want to start adding more Spirit Power to increase the damage from the spots.

If you're playing a great game, consider saving up for Boundless Spirit. But if the game is tough and you're fighting for or The required number of soulsIt is better to paste it last when you want. Complete the construction of your item.You may also want to upgrade to Cooldown Superior and Alcance Aprimorado or more as much as possible. Both items will make your Splatter ability much stronger, allowing you to deal massive damage in a single shot.

For more difficult games, consider upgrading to Better Bullet Armor or Better Spiritual Armor for defense.

Fuse Splatter with Mystic Reverb and use Echo Shard so you can use it twice, if needed. Fast recharge comes next, followed by Mystic Slow and Superior duration. After that, you can get Super Stamina and a leech for extra support.

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If you bought a Debuff Reducer before, now is a good time to upgrade it to a Debuff Remover. Alternatively, you can sell it for a Phantom Strike if you want more control for days or a Colossus for more defense.

How to play sticky in a dead end

One of the two greatest strengths of Viscous is that it Ability to cultivate souls quickly And efficiently. So you know that you will need to focus during the beginning of the game. Once you reach the track, place the starting point on the Splatter and use it to attack your enemies. But its main priority is to ensure the last hits on the enemy soldiers.

Get the first items before you start trying to kill the champion. Your Puddle Punch is an amazing skill that you can use to force your opponent on the field into strange positions on the field. If you are in a situation alone, use Puddle Punch and Splatter to pressure your opponent and keep your health low. This way, he will not feel comfortable fighting you face to face. And as you do, you will always win the negotiations.

When you decide to go in, make sure to use The Cube's ability to save yourself from that last bit of extra damage. After getting your max, instead of immediately using it as a penance. like kelvin's frozen coatYou want to try to lure your opponent into an open space.

Goo Ball is extremely powerful when surrounded by walls. Since you can bounce off the surface, you will be able to destroy your enemy and deal massive damage, unless you kill him with a hit.

For mid-game teamfights, you'll want to save your final moments key to capture your opponent's time stack and get your coordinates. Splatter can deal massive damage from a distance, and Puddle Punch can force them into weird positions.

Puddle Punch can also reposition allies, so use it carefully.

As the game nears its end, ideally you will have enough Spirit Power to deal massive damage with Splatter. You may want to keep your distance and spam to keep your time focused while you focus on your objectives. With Um Tank hero like abramsIt will be easier for you to develop your skills perfectly. But if you do not have a tank to rely on, you will need to use the cube at the right time to survive during team battles.

The trick to playing Viscous is knowing when to use your abilities and how to execute them perfectly. If your child has a learning curve, it becomes much easier once you get past the initial stage. Feel free to try this deck and let us know how it worked for you. The Dilemma!

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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