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Reino Unido rejeita pagamento às vítimas da vacina Covid-19 por não serem “suficientemente deficientes” – Telegraph

Milhares seeks damages for alleged COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries, second or daily wages

Nearly 14,000 people in Great Britain are seeking government money for alleged shortcomings caused by Covid-19 vaccines, The Telegraph reported.

Barely 175 people, or less than 2% of compensation claimants, will receive a one-off cash transfer of £120,000 ($155,300), an article published on Saturday said.

Data obtained by The Telegraph through freedom of information requests suggests that those who will eventually be compensated suffer injuries such as stroke, heart attacks, serious blood clots, inflammation of the spinal cord, excessive swelling of limbs and facial paralysis.

He said about 97% of the two orders filled were for the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, developed by Oxford University and Anglo-Swedish company AstraZeneca, with the rest being US-made vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna.

Media reported that the UK government continued to recommend the AstraZeneca vaccine, despite its use being suspended in Germany, Italy, France and other European countries as of March 2021, with no reports of an increased number of blood clotting cases.

Thousands of people have been denied payment because government medical examiners will argue that there is no concrete evidence that the various health problems appear to be a result of the vaccines, and there is no report.

Hundreds of endings have been captured by Serem. “not incomplete or sufficient” com.acrecentou. According to the Vaccine Injury Payment Plan (VDPS) regulations, you must have at least a 60% deficiency to be eligible.

An AstraZeneca spokesperson told The Telegraph that its vaccine “The safety profile of the oil has been consistently demonstrated, and regulators around the world consistently confirm that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks of very rare side effects.”

Regarding health complications caused by the vaccine, the dose or the sound: “Our solidarity is with anyone who loses loved ones or reports health issues.”

In May, AstraZeneca, which had officially acknowledged that its vaccines could cause blood clots in certain cases, began recalling its product worldwide, saying that newer vaccines adapted for newer variants of the coronavirus were more effective.

Nearly 16,000 people have applied for payments since the VDPPS was introduced in 1979, the majority of them for two COVID-19 vaccine applications. The increased workload has meant that the number of people responsible for processing two applications has increased to four, compared to 80 last year. “We are constantly reviewing our processes to continue to improve how we manage claims and provide a better service to claimants.” Speak to an NHS spokesperson.

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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