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Manhwa, onde o personagem principal é um advogado


  • Korean entertainment uses legal backgrounds in dramas, such as Extraordinary Lawyer Woo, to tell dynamic stories and exciting plot twists.
  • Simon Sues combines elements of horror and courtroom drama, featuring demons and supposed associates, for a unique narrative experience.
  • Orgulho e Romance offers a comedic perspective on a lawyer's scene, telling the story of Orgulho and Preconceito with an evil chef and funny and absurd workplace dynamics.

The legal background in television and non-film has always been a fairly important trope and has always attracted a lot of interest from the general public. This popularity can be attributed in part to the intensity and control of the two legal environments, as well as the very dynamic drama that takes place in the courts. Given how fictional these scenarios are, despite the general realism of the lawyers and the legal scenario, a sense of entertainment is created for people when they are not directly involved in something that would be considered very important in real life.

Melhor Manhwa Medical, Classified

There are many manhwa available to read, but for those who are also interested in medical dramas, the examples to follow should be your choices.

The Korean entertainment world has always been very proactive in not using these tropes in its content, especially in Korean dramas and movies. Some of the most popular shows in the industry revolve around lawyers and their legal battles in the unforgiving world of law. The best part is that a large number of Korean dramas are adapted from manhwa. Dramas such as The exceptional lawyer Wu And touch your heartMade by being world famous, without any modifications. This is all about the life of a lawyer..

1 Joyce Lee Han Young

A very sad case

  • Authors: Lua Sung Ho
  • Released: 2020
  • Genders): Drama, Time Travel

As the name clearly indicates, Joyce Lee Han Young It's a manhwa that doesn't focus on our defenders, but on the most absolute judge. Joyce Lee Han Young It is a unique series that combines time travel and a relationship plot with a legal background presented in a somewhat dramatic way.

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Follow the game who brought her own justice system Work and life must pay a price for everything. Lee Han Young's latest case ends with a wealthy and powerful man sentenced to life in prison—or shot in a gruesome manner when the man tricks children and confronts Han Young, who is being assassinated. Instead of darkness, Han Young remembers that his younger self's body came years ago, in the same court that held the first verdict he presided over. This time, he's determined to find out in other, more morally ambiguous ways.

2 Simao Sous

Confident rookie lawyer finds demons

  • Authors: Myung Hee
  • Released: 2019
  • Genders): Terrorism, demons

Deixe que manhwa contains the most bizarre collection of genres that have ever come to light in this world. Simao Sous It's a lawyer/court drama manhwa that takes its unconventional nature to the next level, turning everything into its narrative of games and actions played out in hidden environments with demons fully involved in every stage.

6 Demonius Lords Strongest Manhwa

In manhwa, it would be an exaggeration to say that following Lord Demonius should not be underestimated…

The film follows newly minted law student, Simon, as he attempts to break into the toughest and most demanding of advocacy writing in his world. To do so, he must work under the powerful but tyrannical chef, Mr. McNamara, who is determined to make your life difficult. Gradually, as he begins working for the tyrannical chef, he begins to see and feeling a strange demonic presence Which is increasingly difficult to control during their trials. He also sees some of his colleagues working in a strange – almost improbable – way. Without knowing what is happening to him, Simon returns to work on his cases, until things get a little out of control.

3 pride and romance

Lawyer with attitude problem

  • Authors: Kim Seol-hui, Jung Gwa-jang
  • Released: 2012
  • Genders): Comedy, Romance

Since manhwa with heavy themes and dramatic scenarios are very popular, cases with a lot of comics and More vanity in life The face is very thin too. pride and romanceOne reread of Jane Austen Pride and PreconceptionIt's a manhwa that focuses on a funny and silly lawyer's office and revolves around a woman who works in a lawyer's office under a very harsh chef.

Sookhee is an associate of a law firm and is under a lot of pressure from her mother to get married. To appease this, she enters into a series of blind dates that only end with her running away before the date is over. In her last date, Sookhee had a very handsome but arrogant man, as she refuses to be nice. Unfortunately for her, she finds it unpleasant that Homme realizes that he is not only a famous lawyer, but also a new chef! She now fears that they will accompany her strange behavior, as she works under her.

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4 touch your heart

Love story between a lawyer and an actress

  • Authors: Yegeo, Formiga Study
  • Released: 2019
  • Genders): Comedy, Romance

touch your heart It's a manhwa that originally gained huge popularity due to its KDrama adaptation. Fortunately, it's another manhwa. Stamp no more romantic/ Aspect of Fatia da Vida das Things, rather than a morally ambiguous sequence with a heavy question mark.

15 Most Beautiful Romance Fantasy Manhwa

Those interested in fantasy manhwa with a hint of romance should give the following titles a try.

touch your heart It follows the story of a spoiled and mediocre actress who is looking for an opportunity that will provide a better response from the audience. She is not exactly the most sought-after actor in the industry and needs to regain her flair by working in legal dramas. Unfortunately, the only way she can prove that she is capable of being a career and a public servant is by working in a real advocacy office, as a legal secretary. Coincidentally, her assistant boss, or the male protagonist of the manhwa, is not a more complacent person than she already knew.

5 This is what I read

The lawyer who regrediu and voltou with all his might

  • Authors: Noh Hyung Jin, Day Ra
  • Released: 2021
  • Genders): Drama, Action, Time Travel

this is mine It is a second chance manhwa that focuses heavily on fantasy elements and supernatural powers. The story revolves around a very talented lawyer who gets involved in the wrong faces and dies as a result. He is sent back in time to the middle school era and has to live his whole life only once, this time. With mysterious superpowers Available – What's the best combination for a talented lawyer to become godlike with his new powers?

This is what I readDespite the traditional entanglement, the other two manhwas stand out for their different art, semi-realistic and genuinely interesting protagonist. Noh Hyung Jin is a cunning character who carefully navigates the balance between cruelty and compassion. Right after your return, your priority is not to solve your circumstances, but to solve the situation of your first child, who has a tragic ending in the previous timeline.

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6 Minha's life recently

Meadows with a second chance at life

  • Authors: Woo Kim Eui, Soob Joo Tae
  • Released: 2019
  • Genders): Drama, Action, Time Travel

Minha's life recently There is another comeback story that follows a very similar entanglement to this. this is mineThe film is about a man who is punished for being on the right side of the law. Like every manhwa character who leaves a significant mark on the world, he finds a creator who offers to reincarnate Like him, 18 years old. It's a simple story that fits perfectly into a grand plot, perfect for those looking for an instant adrenaline rush.

Best Anime to Help You If You Heard Death Note

Death Note is one of the most popular anime of all time, with few things quite like it. However, this series has similar themes that you will enjoy.

Kim Hi Woo is a dedicated campaigner who prides himself on putting criminals behind bars. In his quest to make Korea's streets safer, he discovers that the real blame for the country's decline lies with a high-ranking politician. Determined to uncover the truth, he decides to pursue justice at any cost, even if it means risking his life.

A wayward rookie lawyer who loves ballyhoo.

  • Authors: Hwa Im Joo, Yoel, Lee Ye Ji
  • Released: 2022
  • Genders): drama

The exceptional lawyer Wu This is another manhwa that has its own well-received K-drama. Despite its legal status, the manhwa (and thus drama) focuses heavily on the representation of individuals on the autism spectrum. It's easy-going, fun, and informative, and is perfect for looking up something. The story is more emotionally advanced and insightful..

The exceptional lawyer Wu The film revolves around a spendthrift lawyer, Woo Young Woo, who is on the autism spectrum and has the most unique and fun ways of winning cases for her clients. Known for her comprehensive memory and everything from the living books she memorized back then, she is also unevenly fascinated by palias and enjoys telling random facts about them in her daily work routine.

10Manhwa with great character development

The best part of any story is usually the day to day. To help you develop your character over time, here are some great manhwa to check out.

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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