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Como desmontar itens de raridade incomum ou superior em Dungeonborne

Como desmontar itens de raridade incomum ou superior em Dungeonborne

nailed It offers daily, weekly, and seasonal rewards to give players useful rewards while playing. One of the lost weeks that players will see is the dismantling of unusual or rare items.

Dismantling old gear is the first step to rearranging your own gear, which will generally be better than what you find randomly in the pit. The basic gear that the character appears on cannot be dismantled, as the first goal is to extract some weapons or armor pieces from your inventory, it does not matter. What grade are you going to?.

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How to remove unnecessary or superior rare items

Disassembly is not Ferrero, nor is Vika The option to select the camping menu is on the left side of the top menu.The first list will be the dismantling list, which players only need. Press the red button with a hammer. I don't have time to start. Pressing this button turns the cursor into an uninstall button and selecting an item will immediately uninstall it irreversibly.

There are disassembly buttons due to their rarity, but it's best to do them individually to ensure you don't accidentally disassemble something you intended to save. The right side of the cloth will be in your inventory, with the top allowing you to disassemble the rapier directly. Uncommon equipment is represented in green, magical in blue, and epic in red.To complete the weekly mission, simply breaking the green weapons is more than enough to need to break something of greater value.

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Scarcity of craft materials and equipment

There are four crafting materials that are also ranked by rarity:

  • Raw Ferro Branco – Comum – Senza
  • Ilmenite Mining – Income – Green
  • Refined Aço Minério – Magical – Blue
  • Estrella Shard – Epic – Roxo

Every material is It is obtained when players dismantle equipment of the same rarity.. Common equipment can be split, but not the basic equipment your character appears with. When Made in Hirancas nailedPlayers can choose between two resources they want to use. The first option will be resources that are of the same rarity as the piece of equipment they want to craft, as this option requires some of them to craft.

If you choose another option and want to use lower quality materials to craft higher quality gear, you will need to spend more. This can make it easier for players who finally want to get the next rare items, but the cost is very high for gear that can be easily lost. If you spend too much on gear, it It is better to play with friends. To have the best chance of survival.

July 19, 2024
mithril reactive
mithril reactive


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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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