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Proven Ways to Keep Yourself Away from Online Scams

75% of consumers across the globe who fell prey to online purchase scams in the year 2021 ultimately suffered financial losses. 

Credit card fraud emerged as the leading contributor, representing 43.7%. Identity theft accounts for 28.1% of cases. 

This includes fraudulent activities, including online shopping and payment account fraud, email and social media deception, and other forms of identity theft. 

The age of the internet means the surge of online scams as well.  Let’s see what you need to know about online scams and prevention.

Modern Scams are More Sophisticated 

People who are not well aware and are too innocent often fall victim to online scams. Sometimes, these scams are so sophisticated that even a highly knowledgeable person falls prey. 

From lottery scams to dating app frauds, from security warning pop-ups to job offer scams, too many categories fall under the list of online frauds. 

You may bеcomе thе nеxt victim if you’rе not careful enough with thеsе.  Fortunatеly,  thеrе аrе somе strategies for dealing with thеsе frauds.  Let’s see what these are. 

  1. Do Not Trust Immediately!

One of the main reasons most pеoplе fall prey to online scams is that thеy аrе not skeptical about the sourcе from which thеy camе.  Thе momеnt such pеoplе rеcеivе an еmail from an unknown sourcе,  thеy click on it.  

To avoid online scams, you must stay vigilant, especially regarding emails from unknown sources. Frequently, these emails contain malicious viruses that can compromise your precious data and personal information. 

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79% of UK businesses suffered phishing email scams in 2023.

The best way to deal with online scams is by verifying the source from which you’ve received the email. For instance, some phishing emails can come from fake cellular phone companies, so you can protect yourself using Vodafone VPN.

  1. Up-to-Date Software 

Sometimes, we see a popup on our device that asks us to update software; however, we often deliberately ignore this message, which is how we can get into scams. 

Remember, it does not matter which software is your top priority to protect yourself against online fraud. However, you must keep this software up to date. 

Someone is constantly working to improve the strategies in the back end, so you should leverage the up-to-date software.

  1. Use a VPN 

Base-level security always starts with a VPN. If you simply employ a VPN in your device, you don’t have to think about advanced-level preventive strategies. 

Your IP address is like your home address; you are doomed if a hacker can guess it. In such a situation, you can always use a VPN to guide your IP and stay non trackable.

Remember to choose IPsec VPN to ensure virtual encrypted links and anonymity while browsing the internet to avoid fraud. 

  1. Stay Away from Dating Apps 

We all need something to kill time, and that’s why we choose dating applications; however, things are changing, and these apps are no longer secure. 

You may come across someone with a sob story to tell you. You may have to pay more money to escape the trap if you believe it. 

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The best way to deal with such online scams is not to let the emotions get in your manner. You need to look for the red flags and notice the patterns. If somebody is keen on asking for your personal information or financial help, you must leave that scammer or app immediately.

  1. Effective Antivirus 

If you’re somebody who has bееn using the intеrnеt for a long time,  you must bе familiar with thе pop-up sеcurity warnings.  Thеsе warnings typically indicatе a virus in your systеm,  and by clicking on that link,  you can gеt rid of thеm. 

You are doomed once you click on the link or download whatever is in it. Doing this gives control of your device to the attacker or virus hidden within that particular download. 

The only possible way to keep yourself safe from this scam is by downloading an effective antivirus that can identify these scams within seconds and doesn’t let you ruin your life with a single click. 

  1. Don’t Fall for Lottery Scams

Greed has let many people go down the way to doom regarding online scams. Lottery scams are the most common online scams, and people keep falling prey to them because everybody is looking for easy money. 

On a bright sunny day, you receive an email claiming you’ve won the lottery. To claim it, you’ll be asked to pay some fee for government taxes, insurance costs, etc. 

Sometimes, they even ask for your personal information, which many people voluntarily provide. You fall prey to identity theft and financial fraud within a few minutes.  

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To deal with these types of scams, you need to keep a check on a few tell-tale signs of lottery scams. 

  • These emails are usually from a single person instead of an organization. 
  • There are more than one recipient. 
  • You never really applied for that lottery. 

If you notice these points in any lottery-related email, it’s probably a scammer who’s after your money, and you shouldn’t respond to him. 

Be Strategic to Prevent Online Scams 

There are so many online scams that tracking them all is hard. However, dealing with these scams requires almost similar strategies. 

If you stay active and rely on your senses instead of greed and emotions, you can easily stay on the safe side of the world. 

Updated security measures are also helpful when identifying such scams or scammers. Be safe!


Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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