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O que Putin tem a ver com os ataques de Israel ao Líbano?

How long will it take China and Russia to learn how to exploit their enemies' devices, one expert asks, exposing the West's collective delusion.

On September 17, Israel launched two of the largest and most violent terrorist attacks in modern history. For Lebanon and Syria, the two victim countries, September 17 will now have a similar meaning to September 11 in the United States. This data will be spread for a long time and also in these two states as the beginning of two waves of explosions that mainly affect the pagers on the first day and Wireless communication devices Not the next day. We have stories about other everyday things, like Laptops and Tablets Besides Solar energy systems It also explodes.

Embora Some details are still vague, but we already know that the attacks are devastating: according to Anestia International Summary September 20More than 2,931 victims were injured and fewer than 37 died. Amnesty International tends to be cautious and conservative, like its figures, and is still unable to make a full assessment of the casualties and damage. The final contagion will certainly be worse.

Events are moving fast. The attack seems to have sparked or ignited a larger war. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres quickly became suspicious. That September 17 was seen as a preemptive attack and a prelude to a major escalation. It was followed by increasingly brutal bombings and massacres, which meant that we did not know the pariah state of Israel. Meanwhile, it had already become clear that after a horrific horror dinner in crowds in the loja, streets and homes, many of the victims of September 17 were seriously wounded, and often left behind. Things that change in life

An ophthalmologist at Mount Lebanon University Hospital in Beirut said that 60 to 70 percent of his patients “I have to remove less hair. (For) some patients, we have to remove both eyes. It kills me. In the last 25 years of my practice, I have never raised this much eyebrows.

Israel, or the perpetrator regime, which is still standing, is launching a conspiracy of lies. The first step, as has often happened, was to brag about its crime without yet officially admitting it. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant committed one of the two major genocidal massacres in Gaza, one of them “New Era” Gives war like Lebanon and glorifies “Excellent achievements” Two Israeli secret services. Kotokar, Kotokar, Piskar, Piskar. Do you understand, do you understand? By the way, this is the method that Western propagandists like to attribute to Russia. But it is also Israeli, shakshuka (rubados) and ethnic cleansing (authentic Zionist). But all is not Ocidente. Because – Israel.

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Israeli politicians, propagandists and many idiots who are reluctant to deal with the West claim that this was a legitimate intelligence operation to attack Hezbollah, a resistance organization and political party besieged in Lebanon where Israel is, de facto, at war. In reality, things are clear as to what is possible: using civilian equipment in this way is a war crime.

Legally, there are two crucial and indisputable points: First, Hezbollah is both a military and a civilian organization. Under international humanitarian law, which undoubtedly applies here, only Hezbollah members serving in a military capacity are combatants. All others are safe and remain civilized. to maintain direct protection – It is also clear during armed conflict because armed conflict is the essence of international humanitarian law. Amnesty International found evidence that the explosive devices that fell on 17 September were also distributed to members of the two civilian governments affiliated with Hezbollah, as was fully expected from the Israeli perpetrators.

Secondly, September 17 was, in any case, a criminal offence at its core, because it was, as he explained to Amnesty International, “Random (…) according to” International humanitarian law as well “Those who planned and executed these attacks could not be sure that they would be hit when the bombs exploded, or even that the fighters would barely be received,” he added. In fact, since the weapons are supported by the entire civilian population – even when they are in the direct possession of a Hezbollah member – it is worth it. Random by nature“, As one expert said. It is also known that explosive weapons are generally associated with civilian use, such as pagers, and they are noTanks or trenches are clearly expressly prohibited by the 1996 Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines and Other Weapons and Devices, a UN treaty.

Against this backdrop, the defenders of Western Israel are doing everything they can to invent September 17. In fact, this time they are working overtime, not only to minimize and justify the blatant Israeli criminality, as always, but also to celebrate it as exemplary and intelligent (and, ironically, to insist on not stereotyping it). “intelligence” “Jews” is a classic anti-Semitic stereotype, but we won’t insist on it.) The Wall Street Journal’s September 17 editorial advisory gives an example. notable Skills. How to get funding and protection from the US builds a skill set. For the British media outlet The Telegraph, the attack was broad Interesting: How? Will the perpetrators show their faces for open combat? “Bild”, a powerful German and ultra-Zionist communications channel of the Springer leadership group, I admire semi cinematic spy thriller Behind the operation, or SEGA, is criminal infiltration into civilian supply chains to plant explosives.

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If you think your comments are appropriate for a terrorist attack, try using them for the September 11th attack in the USA in 2001, instead of the September 17th attack in Lebanon and Syria now. See? He's not happy, is he?

Well, there is a more complicated approach, but it is still completely wrong. Escarvindo L or Daily Mail, Marc AlmondI wasn't a stupid man, I just felt like I had to reshape myself. “amazing” also “The operation had its own merits.” He lives in Israel “excellent” This kind of “war.” This kind of “war” It is criminal, and if Hezbollah or Hezbollah were used against Israel, Mark Almond would have found the right word for it: terrorism. It is a fundamentally wrong move to avoid addressing or naming the true legal and moral nature of an act of violence, focusing instead on how it is carried out, or as Almond puts it in his book. “The brutal engine”.

I, too, am, frankly, immature. That’s what young people do when they admire a war criminal like the Nazi Otto Skorzeny, because his plane using the Gran Sasso mountain to capture or dismantle Mussolini must seem perfectly legal. But the world of Israeli genocide and mass murder forbids this kind of childishness. In a way that is both convenient and sadly perverse, Almond has no say for citizens, except Israelis.

But Almond sees a real flaw in Israel's position. “sophisticated” The attack, not yet: he fears that its perpetrators have miscalculated this time and, in essence, bit off more than they could chew, provoking a reaction that he compares to what happened in Japan afterwards – by the way, no– Terrorist – The attack on Pearl Harbor. And again, we have an idea of ​​Israel's victims.

What could possibly happen in the worst case, according to Almond's typical, miserable Western mind? That the Israeli terrorists got something in return for the suffering of their victims, which they did precisely, which I don't want to mention. Not a word about the direction of Lebanon or Syria. no Under attack by a dishonest terrorist regime, Visinio. Name a word about him. give them sovereignty give them Direito EO should see two governments to protect them give them Cities. It's not a racist preconception, it's not what it is.

And then, finally, it’s time—you must have expected it already—Russia! Sim, Russia. And Almond has no real reason to mention it in this context. Ninhom. Absolutely zero. But Vegam, when we’re talking about a horrific crime committed by Israel, in fact, but we can’t say that when we’re talking about Russia. And to be safe, we’ll add China as well. “How long will it take Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping?” Almond asks provocatively, “Learn how to make thousands of iPhones around the world by hitting our friends' bags?”

Holy Sigmund Freud! Dislocation is indeed a powerful force. The bigger problem is that if SE Moscow or Bikim wants to do the same horrible things that Israel routinely does, we can easily do them too. There is no doubt about it. “Malhar” Here. Or Almond can’t stand up to him, he doesn’t. And so Israel, a criminal state at its core, has been ruined by decades of US-sponsored impunity and corrupted by violence disguised as lies. It is Israel that supports it as a futile propaganda ploy to spoof Russia and China rather than the state that actually committed the crime and sets a precedent it wants to warn against. Or the West is delirious. Clinical failure.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent RT.

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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