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Prince se envolveu em uma disputa financeira quando ex-assessor foi preso por alegação de pagamento de filho por amor

Prince Albert of Monaco left his former adviser last year. (Photo: Patrick van Katwijk/WireImage)

The Royal Family of Monaco There is chaos after the imprisonment of the former advisor to Prince Albert of Monaco.

Claude Palmiero, the council member who was expelled by Principe last year, was arrested on the night of the fourth fair. He made a series of statements that the prince, who has ruled since 2005, has money and gives to his former lovers and years of his sons.

The 68-year-old was questioned by police after Albert filed a lawsuit against him, leading to an investigation into allegations of “breach of confidentiality, invasion of privacy and receiving criminal products”.

He has since been released without charge, but the legal battle continues between Prince and Palmero, who was Albert's main counsel for 11 years.

According to the eraThe chaos that came after Palmiro I got fired last year. After Albert became embroiled in a “purge” that emerged after accusations of widespread corruption.

A few months after his resignation, the French newspaper Le Monde obtained Palmiero's files, which continued a series of resignations. biased claims About or prince.

Le Monde newspaper confirmed that Albert owes Jazmine Grace Grimaldi, 32 years old – the son he had during a love affair with a previous American woman before marriage – $86,000 every three months.

There are also allegations that the prince also backed a fashion company launched by Nicole Coste, a former French-Togolese airline executive with whom he worked during his lonely years, and that he paid for the insurance costs of saving Alexandre Grimaldi, 21, his daughter.

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According to The Times, journalists also pointed out that Albert's wife, Princess Charlene, spent more than her official allowance of €1.5 million a year, like her husband, to pay these bills.

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Libération, which spoke to Palmiero, also reported that the prince has a secret account in a French bank that he uses to finance his former lovers and children.

Times Story Monaco's public prosecutor, Stephane Thibault, said Palmiero's arrest was due to his “printed statements.”

The regional newspaper Nice-Matin said investigators in Monaco were trying to discover how Le Monde obtained the chains.

Legal battle This came after Palmiero was sacked last June, after allegations of widespread real estate corruption linked to the palace were published on Les Dossiers du Rocher, an anonymously created website based on hacked emails between Albert's key advisers.

Prince se envolveu em uma disputa financeira quando ex-assessor foi preso por alegação de pagamento de filho por amor

Prince Albert has denied all of these allegations. (Photo: Pascal Le Segretan/Getty Images)

The Times reported that at the time, Prince Albert also fired Laurent Anselmi, his chief of staff, and distanced himself from Thierry Lacoste, his lawyer and childhood friend.

Judge Didier Linot, President of the Supreme Court of Monaco, was also killed by the prince.

After his dismissal, Palmeiro filed a lawsuit against the royal family, accusing them of abuse of power, attempted extortion and theft. He appeared before a tribunal appointed by Justice Lynott, who appointed a legal expert to examine the allegations.

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When Judge Lenotte was replaced and another expert appointed, Palmiero took the case to the European Court of Human Rights and argued that it was impossible to obtain a fair judgment in Monaco.

The prince has ruled Monaco since 2005. (Photo: Pascal Guillot/AFP via Getty Images)

Palmeiro's lawyer, Marie-Alex Cano Bernard, recently denied reports in the French national press that Palmeiro had been jailed on corruption charges brought in a separate year by Albert.

He said the reports were part of a campaign against him and that the information was “false.”

According to The Times, she said: “As always, false information is being spread… behind the scenes… in order to put the police and the legal system under pressure and to attack the honour of Claude Palmiero, who has for a long time been ‘protected by powerful interests in Monaco.’”

He also said his client was fighting to restore the honour of Diritto's Monaco tenure, and denied any wrongdoing.

Albert denied all allegations made by his former advisor.

“The attacks that (Palmireau) is making against me, against the state (Monaco) and its institutions show their true nature and lack of respect… that they belong to the (royal) family and the principality,” he said in a statement.

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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