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Como vencer a névoa nublada e a nuvem enevoada no mito negro: Wukong

Black Legend: WukongChapter 5 takes us to the Flaming Mountains, with King Boy and countless dead chefs. The two chefs who can be a big problem to deal with are the deadly duo Cloudy Mist and Misty Cloud. The former is a three-headed feiticeiro who uses remote-controlled projects, while the latter is a direct approach using incense sticks collected in burits in shamas.

Destroying Cloudy Mist and Misty Cloud is a necessary stage to pass. Black Legend: WukongMountains in Deacon and Recovering the Fifth Relic. This guide will detail your moves and offer suggested strategies for dealing with them.


Como vencer a névoa nublada e a nuvem enevoada no mito negro: Wukong

Or enter this blacksmith, The combination of Imobilize and Start features will be your best friend. By paralyzing any two chefs and sending out clones, you can destroy your health bar very easily. This is a mew that has a lot of energy, but is very effective, in dealing damage in this battle against the chef. rock solid It's a very effective way to block Misty Cloud's fire attacks body by body, or it can open her up for counterattacks if she gets into the rhythm. puera azul and ebony flow There are excellent options to choose from for your transformation. Both will give you the means to attack Cloudy Mist’s remote-controlled projects and Misty Cloud combos from body to body, while also dealing a lot of damage to the truck. Azure Dust is more or less easy to use and will likely torment your chefs with your strikes after you get a few hits to carry it, while Ebon Flow requires a bit more precision and can devastate your health with heavy attacks after you increase it. Block Focus.

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A set of chef's moves

Cloudy snow

The fight starts with Cloudy Mist firing a beam of light that shifts horizontally. With good timing, you can avoid it by turning it in the direction of where it is seen, then pressing it, which also works if you get the timing right. After closing the distance in Cloudy Mist, you will start using body-by-body combos with your equipment as well. Lift the box before moving it back and forth. After the second hit, Misty Cloud will appear to perform a third hit, then watch your appearance and swerve to the side of her jump attack. This is your chance to land some blows on one of them, because there will be a gap before they start the next attack.

When Cloudy Mist slowly sprays his box, creating particles of light, he is ready to dodge. These particles will split into fast-moving remote-controlled projects after he finishes conjuring them. Turn aside when they approach to pass by, but be careful. They spin quickly and are very hard to shake. Cloudy Mist will generally try to follow up this attack with a heavy strike before Misty Cloud jumps in with an air strike a moment later. By blocking the heavy strike, after blocking Misty Cloud's strike, he no longer stops the attack because Cloudy Mist conjured more particles with that heavy strike, and those particles will be crushed and shoot beams of light at you. You will need to dodge for a split second after seeing the flash to avoid these beams and then you will be able to go on the attack again.

Another attack Cloudy Mist likes to use comes from bending objects as light starts to build up inside them. Be ready to dodge when he gets up again, because he will shoot three consecutive beams of light at high speed. Swerve to one side and don't stop until the third ball is shot. You may be able to land some shots after he stops shooting.

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When Cloudy Mist loses at least a quarter of his health, he will start using a new attack where he will plant his chest and start shaking his arms. Remember to do more to avoid getting hit by the dazzling flash that the team emits a moment later, followed by Misty Cloud coming together to fight (this flash attack is used by Cloudy Mist to identify Misty Cloud). Cloudy Mist will continue to flash rapidly, firing a large missile at you, which can be avoided by moving to either side.

Novem Nebula

After using the Flash Bang move for the first time, Cloudy Mist will become invisible and Misty Cloud will take the lead. Misty Cloud prefers body-to-body attacks that cause burns and short-range jump attacks. We can also briefly switch Cloudy Mist to perform his ranged attacks, including the Triple Laser. With a Triple Laser attack like this, Cloudy Mist will instantly transform into the Misty Cloud logo, which will attack you alone to catch him off guard. Stay calm, deflect two laser beams, then dodge the jump attack and attack Misty Cloud. When Misty Cloud has raised enough of his guns with his hands, he prepares an overhead strike. Move to the side, and immediately spin the horizontal rocker that follows him (don't dodge backwards, as it shoots a trail of fire in front of the center of the rocker). He will then perform another small horizontal strike before two overhead swings, then wait for the second strike and attack.

When Misty Cloud pauses and then hits the top of her head as a signal, she releases a burst of smoke and momentarily stuns us. You can avoid this torment by avoiding the moment when the club explodes. After the explosion, Cloudy Mist will attack you again to create a series of remote-guided projects, with Misty Cloud attacking you for an airstrike while firing remote-guided fire. It can be difficult to dodge, but if you do it right at the right time, you will be able to dodge two projects and attack at the same time with consecutive dodges. You can also use Azure Dust to store it, if equipped.

When Cloudy Mist says something about “showing off our equipment work,” Misty Cloud will suddenly appear and start her body-by-body combo again. Be careful and look out for Cloudy Mist while dodging two of Misty Cloud’s attacks, as he first prepares a large explosion from a distance while Misty Cloud tries to distract him. Once Misty Cloud’s combo is over, watch for Cloudy Mist and swerve to the side as the explosion hits you. This is a great time to use immobilize on her and deal some damage.

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The “active” chef will switch and mix up his combos regularly, making it difficult to focus on one combo, but as long as you stay calm and wait for the openings, you'll be able to minimize them. So, if you drop them, the remaining chef won't learn any new tricks and will be easy to defeat.

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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