Don't Show Again Yes, I would!

Ocean’s 14 substituir Steven Soderbergh é arriscado, mas os rumores de escolha são empolgantes

What was expected The Fourteenth Ocean It's gaining momentum, but it seems to be moving forward without original franchise director Steven Soderbergh. George Clooney and Brad Pitt, two original stars who are more integral than Onesie of OceanoHe is currently in negotiations to take revenge on his iconic fathers who will become famous. circumference Trilogy. Empora at a certain moment it seems that The Fourteenth Ocean It will never happen, Pitt and Clooney recently teamed up for the first time in Apple's crime thriller WolvesWhich is currently set for a launch date of September 27, 2024. Apple has a green light for Wolves A sequence suggests that Pitt and Clooney are returning to share the franchise.

also circumference The franchise has already been tempted to reboot. Oito do oceanIn theory I would have been arrested. New Ocean and From Oceano But there's been little movement since its release in 2018. With Casey Affleck and Matt Damon recently teaming up for their own comedy about the Apple attack, The instigatorsThere appears to be a clear path back for four key players. The Fourteenth Ocean. Cut a large band like circumference Movies tend to be delayed due to scheduling conflicts, rather than financial issues. Or the fact that Clooney and Pitt having sex The Fourteenth Ocean Apply to advertise your new franchise manager You can start moving the necessary amount back to reality.

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Ocean's 14 doesn't follow Steven Soderbergh from the moment it risks provoking a second reaction.

Soderbergh turned down offer to direct Ocean's 14

Follow in front The Fourteenth Ocean Without Steven Soderbergh ordering an interesting choice on its face, especially considering it seems like an obvious choice to expand the highly profitable and creative franchise. Soderbergh directed the original three films in the series. circumference TrilogyWhich has grossed $1.125 billion in the world's libraries. Also circumference The trilogy also has a distinct style and tone that Soderbergh plays a key role in not establishing, such as the soft, wide shots that we follow the characters to zoom in or out. Soderbergh's energetic directing style is clearly essential to the success of the original two films.

also circumference The franchise continued without Soderbergh being able to split the fas. Enquanto The Eighth Ocean If you read reviews and receive mostly positive reviews, there will be a common complaint about circumference The spin-off, directed by Gary Ross, lacked Soderbergh's signature touch. Although Clooney is working on getting another circumference During filming, Soderbergh told Variety in January 2024 that he did not want to direct it.After we finished the third movie, I felt like the series was practically over for me. When the study contacted me to see if I would be involved in continuing the franchise, I said no, because it didn't seem like a big deal to me. I'm chasing something.and.”

Edward Berger's films give him an interesting choice as a director for Ocean's 14.

Berger's latest films make us highly qualified filmmakers.

Although Soderbergh was the better choice to direct, The Fourteenth OceanClooney and Pitt are reportedly looking to the exceptional up-and-coming director Eduard Berger. Born in Germany, Berger selected for Melhor Roteiro's 2023 Oscar adaptation Bella Sawa great adaptation All is silent on the western frontIt would win the Oscars for Best International Feature Film, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design and Best Original Sound Trilha. Além do mais, Berger's new film concave The film stars Ray Fiennes, Stanley Tucci and John Lithgow, and is receiving excellent reviews after its premiere at the Telluride Film Festival.

concaveAn exciting film, it could be Berger's best success in his career. Enquanto All Quiet on the Western Front By delivering a dark and dangerous glimpse into the horrors of war, Berger demonstrates that he is a thrilling and confident filmmaker who could likely control the networks of one of Hollywood’s most beloved offensive franchises. Berger could gain further momentum heading into the upcoming 2024-2025 awards season. concave It has already been touted as a potential Best Picture contender.Learn about Berger's strengths in drama and thriller, and discover what he can do. circumference The franchise looks interesting based on the history of the elite.

In theaters on November 8, 2024.

Why Ocean's 14 Could Benefit From a New Director?

Our new directors can create a new voice and vision for the classic franchise.

Ocean’s 14 substituir Steven Soderbergh é arriscado, mas os rumores de escolha são empolgantes

Empora Soderberg seemed interested in exploring new opportunities. circumference The franchise could do the same under Berger or another experienced filmmaker. Like circumference Movies are still rooted in culture in the first decade of the 21st century. Our Tres de Oceano Perhaps Soderbergh, who released it nearly 18 years ago, didn't know how to update the franchise for the modern era and could have turned it into a more nostalgic entry. In the final analysis, a new voice and vision for circumference Franchising seems to be the best possible approach to The Fourteenth Ocean It could open the door for more promising directorial collaborations in a potential reboot trilogy.

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Source: Variety

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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