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Bluetooth 6.0 has been released: What does the update mean for us in the studio and live?

Bluetooth 6.0 has been released: What does the update mean for us in the studio and live?  · 

Source: GmbH & Co. KG / Alamy Stock Foto

Bluetooth 6.0 has been announced today. The new version brings a number of important innovations that further enhance the functionality and efficiency of the technology. These include significantly improved latency, which will be particularly beneficial for audio applications.

All you need to know about Bluetooth 6.0

Bluetooth 6.0: More range, more capabilities, more security

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has released the latest version of the Bluetooth Core Specifications for Bluetooth 6.0, which offers a wide range of new features and enhancements. One of the most important new features is Bluetooth Channel Sounding. This technology enables accurate distance measurement and could take many applications that rely on precise positioning to a new level.

For example, it can significantly improve the usability of ‘Find My’ solutions by making it quicker and easier to locate lost items. Similarly, Bluetooth Channel Sounding in Bluetooth 6.0 adds an enhanced level of security to digital key solutions by ensuring that only authorised users within a certain range can gain access. This technology will enable accurate range detection for a range of everyday devices and open up a host of new opportunities for developers to create exciting new applications.

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More Information

Less latency for more real time in the studio and on stage

For musicians, lower latency is of course very interesting when transmitting audio and MIDI data in real time over Bluetooth 6.0. The revision of the Isochronous Adaptation Layer (ISOAL) now allows larger data frames to be split into smaller packets to ensure that the data is processed correctly by the receivers. In the new version, ISOAL has been improved to reduce latency, which is particularly beneficial for low-latency applications such as real-time audio. Reliability has also been improved with the introduction of a new frame mode definition specifically designed for latency-sensitive applications.

This could really mean the end of MIDI cables and MIDI routers. Bluetooth 6.0 could also usher in a new era of audio transmission – Eurorack modules could send and receive signals wirelessly, or you could send a sample over the air from your computer to a hardware sampler. On top you can use headphones to record sequences in the studio or on the road without any noticeable latency. We are excited!

Bluetooth 6.0: A step towards seamless wireless connectivity

In addition, the LL Extended Feature Set has been enhanced to improve the exchange of information between devices via link layer functions. This capability now supports a greater number of functions, which has become necessary as Bluetooth LE becomes more versatile and sophisticated.

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In addition, the Monitoring Advertiser feature has been introduced, which allows a host to detect whether a device is in range or not. This significantly improves efficiency by eliminating unnecessary power wastage from radio frequency scanning when a device is out of range. This improvement is based on Host Controller Interface (HCI) events that notify the host when a device of interest enters or leaves range.

Advanced technologies for an even more connected future

Finally, there is an adjustment to the frame space update function. Previously, the time interval between successive data transmissions within a connection event or connected isochronous stream was fixed. In Bluetooth 6.0, this interval is now negotiable, allowing either shorter or longer intervals than the previous 150 µs. This flexibility can improve performance in certain application scenarios by tailoring the time intervals to the requirements of the specific application.

Overall, Bluetooth 6.0 once again demonstrates how the technology is constantly evolving to incorporate new standards and improvements. The new features provide developers and users with greater flexibility, improved security and a better user experience. Bluetooth remains a key technology for the future of the connected world.

Learn more about Bluetooth 6.0

Bluetooth 6.0 has been released: What does the update mean for us in the studio and live?

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John Smith

My John Smith is a seasoned technology writer with a passion for unraveling the complexities of the digital world. With a background in computer science and a keen interest in emerging trends, John has become a sought-after voice in translating intricate technological concepts into accessible and engaging articles.

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