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Mito Negro: Wukong Como Vencer Erlang Shen (Chefe Secreto)

For most players, fighting against Casca Quebrada do Grande Sabio would be a tiring task, but there is a fierce opponent in Black Legend: Wukong. This person is not another Senão Erlang Shen, who participates in the opening battle of the game.

Erlang Shen is cleverly hidden in Monte Mei, which is accessible for most of the game. Locating and defeating Erlang Shen can be a challenge rather than hours of hard work. Black Legend: Wukong Players can refer to this guide.

How to Achieve Erlang Shen in Black Legend: Wukong

Players need to follow these steps in order to: Discover Erlang Shen:

also Santuario de Grand Pagoda It can be reached from a bridge near the Santuário do Guardião da Trilha Velada pela Neve. Once you exit the sanctuary, turn left and continue to see the bridge. Cross and turn left. As you go forward, you will notice a wall. Interact with it to get there. or the Sanctuary of the Grand Pagoda. Climb the stairs and dinner will be played. As a result, the players will end up in Monte Me, where He will fight against Erlang Shen..

How to Beat Erlang Shen Without Black Legend: Wukong

The first thing players will notice is the combat. Erlang Shen There is another meter above your HP bar. This indicates his status, and while it is active, Erlang Shen will not take much damage. Therefore, players need to break it before they can deal any damage to this chef.

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About 70% health, Erlang Shen will go Refresh your attitude barYour moveset will also become more diverse. He will start using a huge machine along with his other weapons. As long as players reduce Erlang Shen’s health by 50%, he will repeat the process of regenerating his stance gauge. He will also add powerful lightning attacks to his arsenal, represented by a red heart.

Be aware of trovão attacks

Mito Negro: Wukong Como Vencer Erlang Shen (Chefe Secreto)

Erlang attacks are saturated with TrafauWhat does it mean that getting hit by them can make players hit? to come out of shockIf your players are affected by the shock, they will give us additional bonuses. To combat this problem, make sure to equip or To suppress shocks .

Erlang Shen can also use trovão attacks that use a laser beam. Getting hit can greatly increase your chances of getting into a collision.

Erlang Shen can also throw swords at will, so avoid them.

How to deal with sadness

The strategy is to turn the first group and then paralyze Erlang Shen. Use this time to damage him. Use the Wandering Wight spirit to Reduces your step counter significantly. Use the rest of the counter with a combination of light and heavy attacks. For the second phase, continue to avoid your attacks and hit from time to time. At 50% health, he will raise a copy and start shooting beams. Avoid all attacks.

After the copy disappears, players must use either one. banana fan To light up Erlang Shen inside the whirlpool. Take this opportunity to destroy his stance bar and start expelling him. This should help players get Erlang Shen to around 30% health. The rest of the hair is in trouble, players. Rock Solid can be used for deflection. Attack and counterattack.

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​​​​​Following these guidelines will ensure that Black Legend: Wukong Winam Erlang Shen playersThe secret chef without much difficulty.

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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