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Franquias PlayStation provavelmente não retornarão

Main conclusions

  • PlayStation has had popular franchises for a long time, but Sony has neglected some like Ape Escape and Wipeout.
  • MediEvil and Fat Princess, beloved franchises, neglected and abandoned developers.
  • Jak & Daxter and Heavenly Sword do not have any sequels due to shifting priorities of studies regarding these IPs.

For thirty years, or Playstation The brand has managed to accumulate many franchises that have had a significant impact on the industry in one way or another. However, when compared to its competitors, Sony is not consistent with its IPs and is very likely to completely ignore some of them.

clear, There are popular PlayStation franchises that never stop releasing new Catraca and Clank Oh God of WarBut there are also many other players who will probably never come back, and it's a shame because, after all, they found thousands of players who had some fun experiences.

1 Escape from Macaco

3D malucas platforms for studying extinct

Escape from Macaco It's a different platformer/adventure franchise that centers around the premise of capturing evil macaques and cartoonish design. These games shine with their hilarious humor, innovative control system, and satisfying gameplay, so much so that Pipo Monkeys were considered one of Sony's main mascots at one point.

Unfortunately, Escape from Macaco He has been asleep for over fourteen years.With his last game being an entry on the 2010 PlayStation Move, the tragic absence of these malucos primates can be attributed to several different reasons. Sony has clearly shifted its focus on traditional and traditional platform franchises, such as Catraca and Clank Oh Foxy Cooper, e Japan Studio – The Japanese studio responsible for Escape from Macaco – It was shut down in 2021, with most of its main IP addresses disappearing.

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2 destruction

Franquias PlayStation provavelmente não retornarão

When it comes to future bullfighting games, Nintendo F-ZeroAll sony team destructionThe incredibly fast drivers are a staple of the PlayStation 1 catalog and will remain relevant among gamers for years to come. But they are sadly silent in 2012, When was the Psygnosis study, which developed you, dated?.

From this miserable confinement, or freedom again destruction Entries will slow down significantly, with the latest two games coming out for a remastered collection and a dark mobile game. Without Psygnosis, and with Sony seemingly disinterested in unrealistic bullfighting games like Esses, the likelihood of that happening is getting less and less. destruction To convert

3 MediEvil

A unique series that did not receive or deserve treatment

Long data for PlayStation gotam de MediEvilA dual-player adventure/adventure game for the PS1 featuring a great non-Tim Burton art style and simpler, more effective gameplay. However, Sir Daniel Fortesque is a charismatic protagonist who appears in many other games, such as Battle Royale All Stars on PlayStation and Astro playroom.

So, it's surprising that despite its popularity, MediEvil It consists of just four games, two of which are remakes of the original title. Guerrilla Cambridge, which created the series, dates back to 2017, while Other Ocean Interactive, the developer of the 2019 remake, Not working with Sony since the above mentioned game was released.What is even more certain is that the company simply has no value or worth in it. MediEvilAnd they believe that this is an obscure privilege and not worth preserving.

4 Like Daxter

Naughty Dog is making completely different games now.

The PlayStation 2 era was the best time for 3D Catraca and Clank, Foxy Cooperand Jak and Daxter They will coexist at the same time and provide fun adventures. However, as our contemporaries move to the next generation of consoles, Jak and Daxter This is on PS2 (minus some remastering).

PlayStation loves this franchise for its lovable main characters, refreshing gameplay, and Tom's twist, but it's clear that Sony and original developer Naughty Dog are interested in making more sequels. A Naughty Dog franchise, in particular, is now available for darker, more mature games, such as Not confident and The last of usSony can easily provide or develop another study (such as fizeram com Foxy Cooper), so it never came true.

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5 Fat princess

Fat princess It was one of the two biggest unexpected events of 2009. Developed by Titan Studios, it was a unique multiplayer game that allowed players to rescue their princess and return her to her base. However, opponents could also feed her pieces of dough, making her heavier and more difficult to transport. It was a strange premise, to say the least, but it was well received and well established. Fat princess Like one of the biggest new PlayStation franchises.

Finally, you have some sequences, the standout character was the Jugaville fighter. Battle Royale All Stars on PlayStation. Not much, Fat princess It has not been posted since 2015.And a lot of people are wondering what happened. There are two explanations for this: on the one hand, Titan Studios was dissolved and Fun Bits Interactive (the developer of some of the sequels) has not been active for years. On the other hand, or the concept Fat princess It could be considered too insensitive to today's modern sensibilities, so it's clear that Sony doesn't want to release a game that could create too much controversy for them.

6 Heavenly Sword

An epic Hack & Slash adventure, created by a studio that was hijacked by the competition.

Launched in 2007, Heavenly Sword It was one of two successes on the PlayStation 3. It's a very solid hack & slash game, with great graphics that showcase the power of Sony's high-definition console, not to mention that it also features a dynamic combat system and an interesting protagonist named Nariko. It wasn't a perfect game – many critics said it was too similar to God of War -but it was a solid first entry in a franchise brimming with potential.

No escort Heavenly Sword It never happened. The game was first developed by Ninja Theory, and the studio had several plans for a sequel, but eventually left for other projects. Guerrilla Cambridge was reportedly working elsewhere. Heavenly Sword The series was released, but Sony ended up canceling it because they didn't consider the IP a commercially viable product. The final part of the story is that Ninja Theory was later acquired by Microsoft in 2018.Or it turns out that Nariko is impossible to return.

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7 death zone

The industry is no longer obsessed with first-person shooters.

During the two years from 2000 until the beginning of 2010, Almost everything in the western gaming market was filled with military shooters in the first place.Mainly caused by Contact the incidentOr the sudden rise in its popularity. Sony was no exception, as it began publishing many strong exclusive shows that belong to this type of fashion, and death zone I believe one of the two things happened.

Developed by Guerrilla Games, it was a high-quality FPS with a dark sci-fi feel, solid shooting gameplay, and a prominent online component. Despite these positive attributes, Dead Zone 3 You have a very mixed reception and Killzone shadow remains (which was the PlayStation 4 launch title) received very negative reviews. Embora is certainly doomed to become a franchise, and Guerrilla Games has managed to become popular. Horizon A privilege, it is more creative and refreshing than death zoneAs a result, it appears that the study will continue to focus on new intellectual property rather than the future.

8 to bear

Insomniac prioritizes more creative projects

It's really not trustworthy because the FPS trend of the seventh generation of consoles is also affecting Insomniac Games, creators of colorful franchises like Spyro, or Dragao and Catraca and ClankFrom 2006 to 2011, they launched or to bear A trilogy for the PlayStation 3, a series of sci-fi first-person shooters with apocalyptic alien invasion intertwining. As expected from a respected studio like Insomniac, these FPS formats were critically acclaimed, with solid gameplay and a relatively popular multiplayer mode, although they are more serious and dark than the games we usually develop.

Mass, after its launch Resistance 3Insomniac has explicitly stated that they have no interest in making games like this. Today, they are busy working on more colorful and creative Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Oh Homem-Marvel's AranhaOr it's more convenient for them. Sony could easily rent another studio to build a new one. to bear Games, but it is clear that there is currently no great demand for shooting games among primitive people in the market.

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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