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“Busque justiça em meu país”: Sheikh Hasina nos primeiros comentários após a expulsão

“Busque justiça em meu país”: Sheikh Hasina nos primeiros comentários após a expulsão

Daily New:

Bangladesh's ousted Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina made her first public comments after leaving Dhaka, calling for the punishment of protesters in the country. She also sought justice for the vandalism of a statue of her father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who was also the founder of Bangladesh.

In an emotional three-page statement, No. 10, his close associates and associates were annihilated on the same night by the military as part of a coup.

After praising his honour, he turned to the days of today, saying that the entire country's dance of destruction in the name of protest had also led to the deaths of many “students, teachers, police officers, daily wage labourers, social workers, common people,” Awami League leaders and workers, pedestrians and office workers.

“For those who will lose their loved ones like us, I offer my deepest condolences. For those involved in this massacre, in this destruction, I demand that they be investigated, arrested and punished with appropriate punishment.” Your announcement in Bengali.

The protesters not only have her like them, but they also have the house she grew up in, which has been turned into a museum and visited by many great and powerful people from foreign lands.

“Isso now é pó… These memories that we have – that have been turned into cinematics… like the disrespect we showed to Mujibur Rahman, under whose leadership we gained our freedom, our understanding, our self-respect… or the blood that thousands of fighters shed to desecrate the Freedom Forum… “I demand justice for these two of my countrymen,” Crescento said.

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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