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Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengenace – Como vencer Fionn Mac Cumhaill

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Venganka Re-introducing old chefs who were around but not original. SmtfOne of the eventually recruited chefs that the player will encounter during their adventure is Fionn Mac Cumhaill.

How Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance Shows the Pros and Cons of Atlus' 'Re-Release Girl' Formula

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance gives Yoko Hiromine the spotlight in its narrative, even showing the pros and cons of the Atlus formula.

Unless the player knows what he is doing, this fight can be very difficult. Learn how to defeat melhor esse inimigo em Shin Megami Tensei 5: Venganka.

Overview of Head Chef Fionn Mac Cumhaill

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengenace – Como vencer Fionn Mac Cumhaill

When it comes to Fionn Mac Cumhaill, here's everything you need to know when it comes to his stats, affiliations, and abilities.


Fionn McCall


Genma the poet of the million


Level 32























a light












I know




It doesn't give me skills.

Skill Description

Mao Amin

To restore an ally's health, most of them can be healed.

McLondon +5

(Unique) Heavy physical attack to a single enemy. Greater crit effect.

Black Sword +5

2 Medium physical attacks to one enemy. Chance to inflict Cielo.

Pierce Armor +5

Unsuccessful physical attack on a single enemy. Reduces defense in one move for 3 turns.

buffalo +3

Medium Gelo attack for one enemy.

Maranhao +4

Medium fire attack for all enemies.

is found

Increases one ally's ATK by 1 rank for 3 turns.

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Before mourning

The best way to enter a fight is to be prepared. Here's everything a player should plan for or change before starting a fight.

Better follow the demons with you.

When it comes to the best two demons in this fight, keep in mind some of the people who could be available at the time the player fights against Fionn Mac Cumhaill.

  • Seronop. This Ainu culture raboza can be useful in this fight. Possui resists Fogo and Gelo, both of which are used by Fionn Mac Cumhaill. Fazê-lo inheriting some Electric skills will be very useful. Can also be useful in buffing allies and unbuffing Fionn for certain abilities.
  • Lilim. This demon is available for purchase. The player will be on the side of the emirate. In this play area. She is at a very high level compared to the current player's level, entering level 32. She is excellent at Electric abilities, and has many powerful abilities. Her only drawback in this fight may be her weakness to Ice, but Fionn's Bufula +3 is usually not enough to take her down.
  • Ame no Uzume. Using Japanese traditional entertainment might come in handy here. She is the best when it comes to using electrical abilities, which is similar to Fion's weakness. She is also not too weak to be hot or cold, which means she will be safe most of the time. She is also a Curandera serpent.
  • Evil Spirit. This mischievous spirit will be perfect for this fight. There is nothing weak to Gelo or Fogo, but he is also very good at electrical abilities. Not only that, but his innate ability Thunderous Melody allows him to increase the damage he deals to himself and his allies by accessing an electrical weakness.

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Shin Megami Tensei 5: Revenge: Step by Step to Losing a Century of Lots

Demeter's second mistake will have players tracking down Chifre da Abundância; here's where you can get it in Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance.

The player can also take along one of his guests, Yoko Hiromine. She does not fail, freeze, or fire and also has access to Zionga, a medium electric attack against the enemy, which will be used.

Best Affiliations for Nahobino

By the way, Nahobino has a coercive and difficult power, so the player can change it to unlock a miracle known as Divine Fusion. This miracle allows the player to change their affiliations using the essence of the devil.

Now, when it comes to Fionn Mac Cumhaill, players want to be able to block multiple fire attacks or even have less resistance. Embora Fionn also has a Jello attack, which is much less devastating and the player can escape without resisting the Jello, or even using Fraqueza Bello Jello. Most demons do not have physical weakness or blockage, so this will not be relevant at this stage of the game.

At any given moment, it is not easy to find a demonic essence that blocks both fire and ice, as demons that block one tend to be bad for the other. For this reason, the player will focus once they block fire. Some of the available essentials in this area might be Jack-o'-Lantern, which gives the player the ability to block fire attacks, but also gives them a cold strike. Another option is Hua Pao, which has the same affinity as Jack-o'-Lantern essence.

Better items to keep my spirit up

Here are some items players should keep in mind before starting a fight:

  • Physical Buffer. Embora Fionn Mac Cumhaill is best when it comes to Fire and Ice attacks, and the player should also be wary of most of his physical attacks, especially Mac an Luin +5. The physical buffer will allow the player and their allies to block any physical attacks every turn.
  • Fire Suppressor. Fionn's fire attacks are extremely deadly and affect all allies when fired. Whenever a player thinks they are going to attack with fire, they should equip Fire Suppressor, as it will block any fire attacks every turn.
  • Electric Jewel. If the player has some Electric Jewels, it might be time to use them. Performs a powerful electric attack that hits Fionn when used.
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How to defeat Fionn Mac Cumhaill

Hey player you have to go To fight with Magatsuhi cheia bar Activate or Critical Omagatoki. This will allow the player and their allies to instantly reduce their health.

It is essential that Fionn collects Magatsuhi on his turn, and this should be left to the player to place the Fire Dampener. Fionn will unleash a powerful fire attack, Maragion +4 to non-players and all of his allies.

The player should use a skill like Marakukaka to increase the defense of all allies, as they cannot rely solely on shock absorbers to defeat this battle. An ability like Matarunda on Fionn can also be useful, as he often increases his attack power using Tarukaja himself.

Since Fionn will increase his attack power, the player should definitely use Physical Shock Absorber, as Fionn will temporarily release Mac and Luin +5.

The fight should be similar to this consistently, if the player continues to block Fionn's attacks as best they can, they should be able to take him down in a few turns.

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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