The Home app in iOS 18 allows HomeKit users who have more than one device that serves as a home hub to select which one should be used as the preferred hub. It is a small but useful change because it prevents ‌HomeKit‌ from choosing a hub that is further away from most ‌HomeKit‌ products or that has a weaker connection.

In iOS 17 and earlier, there has been no way to select a home hub, and ‌HomeKit‌ has picked randomly. That can lead to connectivity issues in some situations. For those who do not care about which home hub ‌HomeKit‌ selects, Automatic Selection remains an option.

The Apple TV and the HomePod are able to serve as home hubs, but the option to set a preferred hub seems to be limited to the ‌Apple TV‌ as of right now, because Apple has not yet provided a ‌HomePod‌ beta to developers.

preferred home hub ios 18preferred home hub ios 18
Other features coming in ‌HomeKit‌ include Customize Access for managing how and when people access devices like alarm systems, door locks, and garage door openers, with support for guest schedules. There’s also a new Express Mode for unlocking door locks automatically as you approach, and support for robot vacuum cleaners is set to come later this year.

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