Apple adds new emoji to the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and other devices regularly based on updates made to the emoji catalog by the Unicode Consortium, and the there are seven new emoji that we could see sometime in late 2024 or early 2025.

The next emoji characters being considered include face with bags under eyes, fingerprint, leafless tree, root vegetable, harp, shovel, and splatter.

The Unicode Consortium today opened the beta review period for Unicode 16, which includes the new emoji characters. The beta period lasts until July 2, and after that, Unicode 16 will see a release and the new characters will be officially approved.

It often takes smartphone makers like Apple several months to create artwork for new emoji characters that are approved, so it is likely we won’t see these new emoji until after iOS 18 launches. Apple will likely add the new characters sometime around March 2025, around when iOS 18.4 comes out.

Apple last introduced new emoji with the iOS 17.4 update that was released in March 2024. Characters added in iOS 17.4 include lime, an edible brown mushroom, a phoenix, a broken chain, shaking head vertically (as in a “yes” nod), and shaking head horizontally (a “no” head shake).

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