Apple today added support for Live Activities in Shazam, its free music discovery and identification app.

Shazam’s Live Activities keep the user updated when searching for music in the background, which is particularly useful when multitasking or identifying songs in other apps. The last significant update to Shazam arrived in January, allowing users to identify songs from other apps while listening with headphones.

Apple acquired Shazam in 2018, and has been gradually bringing the app into closer alignment with ‌Apple Music‌ ever since, offering trials to the streaming service through the app and the ability to sync Shazams directly to ‌‌Apple Music‌‌.

Shazam can be downloaded from the App Store for free. It can be accessed through the Control Center on ‌‌iPhone‌‌ and ‌‌iPad‌‌, through ‌Siri‌ commands, or on the Mac, as well as via widgets. Version 17.11 of Shazam is now available.

Apple opened up its Live Activities API to third-party ‌iPhone‌ apps with the release of iOS 16.1 in 2022, and many developers have since made good use of the feature.

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