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Every Pocket becomes a Dustbin via Britannia’s latest campaign by Talented India – togetherbe

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It’s easy to justify tossing your wrappers when there’s no bin in sight. What’s harder is holding onto those wrappers till you find a dustbin. In their latest for Britannia, Talented.Agency celebrates a milestone for the legacy brand – 2 years of 100% plastic neutrality with a film on adopting a simple habit. Their choice of protagonist? An 8-year-old. The earnestness of a child is a striking reminder to do better, develop a conscience for cleanliness and be responsible for your own waste, if not everybody’s.


‘Har Pocket Ab Dustbin’ (Every Pocket, now a Dustbin) is an attempt to encourage millions of Britannia consumers to be cognizant of their surroundings and join the brand in its commitment towards efficient plastic collection and processing, leading to 100% plastic neutrality.

Britannia has been actively working around various measures such as sustainable sourcing of ingredients & packaging, enriching the products with vitamins and minerals, natural resources efficiency to minimise environmental impact and much more. One of many steps the company has taken is processing over 43,000 metric tonnes of plastic in FY 22-23 alone and being 100% plastic neutral for over two years.

Amit Doshi, Chief Marketing Officer, Britannia, said: “Britannia is on a mission to be known as a responsible global total foods company. With the efforts of all our functions, we have been 100% plastic neutral for over two years, and on the occasion of World Earth Day – we wanted to bring light to our efforts. We wanted to extend the initiative to all our consumers because despite working at this scale, the individual efforts that you and I can make cannot be undermined. #HarPocketAbDustbin is an effort to tackle the plastic problem together with our consumers.”

Gajraj Rao, Director, CodeRed, said: “This is the first time we’ve crafted an entire film for a brand without ever showing their product. We had more products on the snack tray of this shoot than in front of the camera. Kudos to team Britannia on their efforts to be sustainable. I look forward to watching them continue on their path of plastic neutrality, not just because I’d like to make them more films for future milestones!”

#HarPocketAbDustbin is a simple yet impactful plea to take ownership of our own litter through a habit many of us are not unfamiliar with.

Talented’s Sanket Audhi, Balaji Padmanabhan and Pearl Alex, said: “We noticed many of us were already performing the ‘fold it, hold it, wait, dispose it’ with our own litter. We also noticed we started it young. #HarPocketAbDustbin is our attempt at compounding the effect this habit had on us and our surroundings, by keeping it going through a movement that kids and India alike can follow! How we deal with today’s plastic problem will take small actions like this and larger systems like Britannia’s efforts. This was a first taste at zero waste, and we’re glad to play our part in it!”

Take a pledge and join Britannia in making every pocket a dustbin.

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Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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