To celebrate an in-game event for popular Apple Arcade game Hello Kitty Island Adventure, Apple is teaming up with Sanrio to have Hello Kitty herself visit Apple Union Square in San Francisco, California.

Hello Kitty will be at the San Francisco store on Wednesday, March 20 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. That is the week of the Game Developers Conference, so GDC attendees that are visiting the city will be able to attend to meet Hello Kitty.

Apple says that Hello Kitty will spread a message of happiness, friendship, and inclusivity, which matches the theme of the Hello Kitty Island Adventure in-game event. The virtual event, which takes place from March 18 to 25, celebrates International Day of Happiness. Players will be tasked with spreading joy through a surprise recipe and with surprise gifts.

Chelsea Howe, Chief Product Officer of Sunblink (the developer behind Hello Kitty Island Adventure), and Jill Koch, SVP of Marketing at Sanrio, will also be accompanying Hello Kitty at Apple Union Square. The two will speak on the inspiration behind the game.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure is part of the Apple Arcade gaming subscription, priced at $6.99 per month. All members of a family group can play ‌Apple Arcade‌ games for the single subscription price. Hello Kitty Island Adventure is updated on a regular basis with new in-game content and events.

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