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Schools Are Blocking Use Of ChatGPT In Academics

ChatGPT is a term which is on the lips of everyone. Starting from bloggers, and writers, to even students. But what is it exactly? ChatGPT are tools which are used to produce content, meaning one does not have to delve deep into the research, composing and writing part.

Now, this might seem like an awesome handy tool, and it is. It can be a quick solution but not a long-term remedy. Students who rely on it are in grave danger if they depend on it blindly at

 Here are some of the major disadvantages which students face who use ChatGPT:

1) Less accuracy

ChatGPTs are not 100% accurate. Like most students, humans rely on online tools, thinking it would give them efficient answers. But that does not happen all the time. ChatGPT is loaded with certain information, and that is all they have. They like the ability of reasoning and logic like humans and they only deliver what they have.

There can be times when it can turn blank if they are asked about something that is not input in their system.

In such cases, there are possibilities of it performing cognitive functions and giving your wrong answers.

2) Limited potential

When students completely rely on tools like a ChatGPT, they are limiting their potential. When students use tools, they do not use their brains, which keep the content bland and average. Even if a student can perform better, they pick up shortcut methods and save time but self-sabotaging their abilities.

Also, chatGPT is a tool which functions how it is designed. So it does not have the potential and functions as it has been commanded. It has limited databases and can help you instantly, but it does not have the power to go beyond what it is provided. This is where students stay at a disadvantage.

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Students can push themselves and, work hard, put in the effort, and unlock their hidden talents. but when you rely on tools all this become wasted potential.

3) Creativity hampered

When students rely on online tools, they are limit their creativity. And if this becomes a bad habit they are not using their creativity at all. Students who rely on ChatGPT fully allow the tool to do the job starting from the beginning to adding finishing touches.

This limits their creativity and makes them bland, which is one of the reasons why students get poor grades. Also, once you know about your creative side, you can use this talent in other parts of your life.

4) Cannot produce insightful content

ChatGPT is a tool that summarizes and produces a good topic overall but cannot add unique insights to it. Humans can add their perspectives and personal experience to it beyond their abilities to frame a paper. But that does no happen with ChatGPT. It can offer you good work but don’t expect anything out of the box or too exclusive from it.

In most scenarios, the paragraph and simple layout might seem fishy which is a direct indication that the content is not written by humans, which will affect your reputation. 

5) Limited knowledge

Do not expect ChatGPT to be very educated about your recent events and activities. Since this tool works on updates, you need to update it with any recent information. Also, in areas where it has no knowledge, it has habits of making up answers which can be a big no-no if you expect your papers to be loaded with data.

If the database’s input has not been updated, then there can be chances that the tool cannot help you out. Also, you can find copyright information in certain cases, leading to compliance costs and possible legal consequences.

6) Low cost

ChatGPT  has its advantages, but one of the biggest disadvantages is the price. Most college and university students cannot afford to get it. College students usually work part-time jobs or are on scholarships. Due to this, they cannot afford to buy such tech-savvy tools.

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And even if they do, they end up risking their money which might not be worth it. It is not a low-cost tool like a calculator, so students are not willing to invest in it. And even if they are investing it, the areas on which they are compromising is much more as it is not 100% effective.

7) No skills developed

Through academics, one not only gets educated and earns a degree but they also develop skills which is one of the major reasons why students need education. In school, colleges and university, students learn about leadership skills, teamwork, leadership skills, problem-solving skills and more, which comes very handy later in life.

Students who use ChatGPT  give up on learning all of these skills. Since they have no connection with humans and have no participation, they end up not developing any skills. So even if they do get good grades, they face difficulties later in life when the use of these skills will be required.

8) High maintenance

Let’s not forget that the more advanced a tool is, the higher is the cost of maintaining it. ChatGPT has regular updates, which you need to get done, or else you can get no benefits. Also, these regular updates can be planned depending on what you are going for. If you want to maintain it for good, you must keep updating it, which is a big hassle. 

Also, it takes a lot of time and money to get it updated and keep it maintained for the long run. It is quite frustrating to update your tool when out are trying to get work done which can lead to high wastage of time and kill motivation.

9) Ethically wrong

Being completely dependent on technology is ethically wrong. You need to gather your sources and be more reliable. Students are assigned tasks for their own benefits.  Every assignment that they are given a hidden agenda to help them out.

When students are not doing it by themselves and relying on shortcut methods, they are doing something ethically wrong, which is not something to be proud of. Using tools and hiring assignment help is one of them. 

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This is one of the major reasons why ChatGPT is being banned. Students are so dependent on it that they are getting detached from receiving actual education.

10) Cons of technology

And lastly, let’s not forget that it is yet another technological tool we have received, and it can be knowledgeable but it comes with disadvantages too. It is not a flawless device and has numerous faults in it too.

Technology comes with many defaults like proper servicing, need of battery, content regulation and updates. ChatGPT can be helpful in some terms, but it is not the ultimate method. It lacks human expression and emotional conveying ability. You cannot use this tool to get descriptive and narrative essays as they require more vivid forms of writing. Hence this tool cannot be your only solution.

Final thoughts

Some people might think that ChatGPT is the future, but we are here to tell you that it isn’t. Definitely, it has some good advantages but let’s not forget that the cons it offers is a big risk for students are. Soon, if middle and high schools start using it too, they will leave studying and opt for cheap tricks. 

ChatGPT can help you with exams and perform every command which is asked, which seems like the end solution but let’s not forget that its takes away the human power of controlling things.

Students should always try to be better and self sufficient. Definitely tools can help you out but let’s not be controlled by it and heavily rely on it for very simple task.

Author Bio

Lydia Park is a lecturer at the University of Nebraska. She has done a master’s in coding and has even taught students for over 5+ years. She has helped many business owners with designing tools and assisted website and coding developers. Currently, she works at to offer assignment help to students in need.


Miranda Cosgrove

My Miranda cosgrove is an accomplished article writer with a flair for crafting engaging and informative content. With a deep curiosity for various subjects and a dedication to thorough research, Miranda cosgrove brings a unique blend of creativity and accuracy to every piece.

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